A Tortured Beauty

You return from the Kashmir valley with a sense of overwhelming melancholia: it is a beautiful but tortured land. What should have been the Switzerland of the sub-continent is...

Godmen or Conmen?

Here's an honest confession: I hadn't heard of Rampal till the last few days. This is partly due to ignorance, partly because I do remain deeply sceptical of ordinary...

Life with Didi

Interviewing some politicians can be injurious to health at times. Over the years, I have had the good fortune of interviewing almost all the country's top netas. Each one...
  • November 3, 2014
  • Rajdeep Sardesai

Modi and me

My 26-year career in journalism has parallelled the journey of two individuals who have achieved iconic status. The first front page article I got a byline for was Sachin...