Mamata Banerjee’s government is on the back foot in West Bengal. Following the seizure of explosives by the NIA and the NSG from areas sanctified by the CID and...
The Shiv Sena has made its play and offered to support the BJP in government formation in exchange for equal number of cabinet berths in addition to the deputy...
Gopinath Munde’s younger daughter, Pritam Munde, has won the Beed Lok Sabha seat with an almost 7 lakh vote margin, which has never been seen before in the country....
Here is the dilemma that the BJP faces in Haryana – with front runner Manohar Lal Khattar being a non-Jat and the region is known for its caste dynamics....
Indian hockey suffers a setback after Terry Walsh, the coach of the Indian hockey team that won gold at the recent Asian Games has resigned from his position. He...
PM Modi’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to make India clean seems to have gone for a toss after Diwali celebrations left heaps of garbage, plastic wrappings, and cracker peels on...
We live in a world of 140 characters; where twitter is the new conversation, where attention spans are often reduced to a nano-second, where a 15 second soundbite is...
I have followed Narendra Modi's political career since the Ram Janmabhoomi rath yatra in 1990. Through good times and bad, what has always marked him out is a sense...