Mr Cricket

If you wanted to know how and why Rahul Dravid scored more than 13,000 test runs and took a world record 200 plus catches, you just had to be...

A new innings

This November, I complete 26 years in journalism: it's been quite a journey and I wouldn't trade it for anything else (actually I might, if I could only have...

The Healing Touch

The Indian army has always been reviled in the Kashmir valley. The army has been accused of human rights violations, of fake encounters, of oppression and being a symbol...

Walk the Talk

It is now almost seven months since Delhi hasn't had an elected government. Arvind Kejriwal's act of political harakiri in February 2014 pushed the Lieutenant Governor into the spotlight....
  • August 7, 2014
  • Rajdeep Sardesai

Shiv Sena needs to grow up

A few months ago, I went for lunch to the new Maharashtra Sadan in the national capital. The first look was impressive: marble flooring, bronze statuettes, spiral staircases, you...