This November, I complete 26 years in journalism: it’s been quite a journey and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else (actually I might, if I could only have been good enough to play cricket for India!). I was trained to be a lawyer but my heart was always in current affairs and writing. In these 26 years, I have had the privilege of working with several fine individuals and institutions. The Times of India where I started and spent six years, NDTV where I spent almost eleven, and Network 18 where I spent nine years. Each experience enriched me, left me with friends, memories and learnings that I will always treasure.
Now, I embark on another exciting chapter as consulting editor with India’s largest tv news network, the TV Today group, from the 15th of September. I grew up in the age of India Today, so to now be part of this journalistic driven institution is a privilege. There are fewer spaces left for journalists to practise their profession with independence and integrity. In these challenging times, one lives on the hope that the true core of this great profession will not be lost: that we will tell the story of our times with courage and commitment. It was with that sense of idealism that I joined this profession in 1988; my hair may have greyed, but the idealism still burns inside. The last three months have given me a chance to reflect on life and journalism: a sabbatical can recharge the mind and also be productive. Now, a soon to be released book, a personal website and a fresh tv challenge: it’s time for a new innings in the journey of life. Look forward to your support