Rajdeep Sardesai

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Godmen or Conmen?

Here’s an honest confession: I hadn’t heard of Rampal till the last few days. This is partly due to ignorance, partly because I do remain deeply sceptical of ordinary humans who see themselves as Godmen. I once saw Rajneesh at an airport many, many years ago. He had a beatific face but I just couldn’t fathom why he should be seen as a ‘God’ as some of his followers chose to.

Life with Didi

Interviewing some politicians can be injurious to health at times. Over the years, I have had the good fortune of interviewing almost all the country’s top netas. Each one poses a different challenge, but few can be as difficult as Mamata Banerjee. At a personal level, Didi has been good to me: she has cooked a Bengali meal for me, makes it a point to call up during Pujo, and even sent me a tin of rosogullas once for my birthday!

Identity is not always destiny

A simple tweet, all of 140 characters, can be hazardous to one’s health as I have discovered to my cost yet again. Last Sunday, as Narendra Modi went in for his first Cabinet expansion, I tweeted: “Big day for my Goa. Two GSBs, both talented politicians, become full cabinet ministers. Saraswat pride!” I was referring to the induction of Manohar Parrikar and Suresh Prabhu in the Union Cabinet.

A file photo of Narendra Modi and Rajdeep Sardesai at an event in 2007.
Modi and me

My 26-year career in journalism has parallelled the journey of two individuals who have achieved iconic status. The first front page article I got a byline for was Sachin Tendulkar’s maiden first class century in December 1988. The first major outstation assignment I got a chance to track was the Ram Janmabhoomi Rath Yatra where I met a certain Narendra Damodardas Modi for the first time in 1990

Rahul Gandhi has to lead his troops

Daughters can be unusually prescient: Taking a first look at my book, 2014: The Election that Changed India, she asked why the cover had pictures of both Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi. “Shouldn’t you just be showing Mr Modi, he is after all the big winner, why do you need a Rahul picture also?” “Because,” I replied, “For every winner, you need a loser!”

A Book is not a tweet

We live in a world of 140 characters; where twitter is the new conversation, where attention spans are often reduced to a nano-second, where a 15 second soundbite is seen to be a substitute for a profound observation, where ‘Hell Yeah’ trends for days! In this age, is there space for a 135,000 word, 350 page book?

The Birth of a Book

Two days ago, I received the first copy of my book. I must confess holding the first copy was a bit like lifting a new born child, utterly joyful. A book is a labour of love, it can emotionally entangle you so completely that it leaves you completely exhausted.

The Healing Touch

I have followed Narendra Modi’s political career since the Ram Janmabhoomi rath yatra in 1990. Through good times and bad, what has always marked him out is a sense of the occasion: Mr Modi knows what will make news perhaps better than any other Indian politician I know.

The Death of an Editor

In 1992, I had a chance to visit the United States as part of a journalist exchange programme. Among my travel stops was the newsroom of The Washington Post. Ben Bradlee, it’s legendary editor has just retired, but the ghosts of the Bradlee era and the infamous Watergate expose loomed large over the news space.


Yesterday, I rang up Sharad Pawar to seek an interview on the Maharashtra verdict. Pawar spoke gently as ever, but refused the request “You called the NCP a cash and carry party on television during your election programme, why should I give you an interview?”